Eastpointe High School cracking down on after school fights; Enforcing larger consequences


EASTPOINTE — Eastpointe High School is cracking down on after school fights involving students after another altercation on Tuesday.

The school says its security team will record and photograph any students that enter the Eastbrook Commons Plaza, at 9 Mile and Gratiot, and “any students who are in the plaza [after dismissal] will be suspended immediately and notified with a phone call that day or upon arrival the next morning.”

The school also said that Eastpointe Police will help with identifying any students who enter the plaza after dismissal, and violating students will be ticketed $385 by the police department in addition to the schools disciplinary action.

“We will not continue to allow this behavior to define our school,” Principal Todd Yarch said in a letter to parents.

After dismissal on Tuesday, a group of students gathered in the plaza and engaged in a physical altercation that “disrupted [our] community and local businesses.”

The students involved are facing suspension and expulsion from the school and are also receiving consequences from the Eastpointe Police Department.

Those students involved in Tuesdays altercation are also barred from attending end of year activities, including prom, and graduation.

The letter from Yarch continues, stating, “This kind of behavior will not be tolerated. Students should not be in Eastbrook Commons after school for any reason.”

Eastpointe Police have been called to the plaza numerous times this school year to field reports of altercations involving students.

“We want Eastpointe High School to be a safe place to learn each and every day, and we will continue to work with law enforcement to make that a reality,” Yarch stated.
