Warren Middle School student facing disciplinary action after being found to have a ‘death list'


WARREN — A 11-year-old Carter Middle School student is facing serious disciplinary action after a “death list” was discovered in one of her notebooks around 10:45am Monday..

The list, which included the names of fourteen other students, prompted a response by the Warren Police Department who removed the female student from the school during class.

“The student was removed from school and is now facing very serious discipline and potential criminal charges,” Superintendent Livernois wrote in a letter to parents.

Warren Police says that they will pursue charges against the juvenile.

Livernois continued by encouraging parents to talk with their children about saying or writing things that can get them in trouble, whether intended as a joke or not - which cause lead to serious consequences.

Anyone who has questions about the incident can call Livernois at 586-698-4093.
